Purple Dwarves

Card draw simulator
Odds: 0% – 0% – 0% more
Fellowships using this decklist
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None. Self-made deck here.
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None yet.

Dessloch 8

This is a deck I have been mainly testing in coop mode, but I have also been able to do all the encounters in single mode (standard).

My main idea was to create an all purple deck, with a focus on dwarves. My first versions of the deck had plenty of dwarves allies, which would benefit from Dáin II Ironfoot ability, but while this worked nicely in coop mode, I found some limitations in single mode, and decided to include other type of allies with more to compensate. Still trying to find a good balance.


I like having a full row of allies, and changing them in the middle of the combat when necessary. Adventuring Hobbit, Helpful Squire and Northern Survivor are there for solving hazards and similar. All the dwarves allies are relatively cheap and will benefit from a +1 given by Dáin II Ironfoot. Gandalf and Erkenbrand are auto include, no need to explain. I normally end up with plenty of power thanks to cards like Adventuring Hobbit, Gaining Strength, or Sword of Numenor, so don't be shy to replace some of your allies with new ones if necessary. Specially good when you find some of your allies with low health or exhausted.


In the end, I only include Raven-winged Helm and Sword of Numenor. Probably I should cut some allies out and add a couple of attachments more, but for now, it has been working quite well. I know, I know ...I should probably include Narya.


I love A Light from Within and Strength of Arms. Often these 2 cards have allowed me to tip the balance in my favor in the most complicated missions, like Gundabad. Cram and Khazâd ai-mênu! are also really hepful, especially with so many heavy hitting dwarves. Finally, For Gondor! has been useful in a few occasions, but it's a pity missing the second part of the ability. I'm thinking of changing it with Common Cause or another similar event.

Of course, this is a work-in-progress deck, so I'm more than happy to receive suggestions :)


Nov 26, 2020 KingsKnightTwitch 128

An important suggestion for purple decks in general: Reinforcements and Raise the Shire are very strong event cards that can save you resources while developing your board at the same time.

Even if Reinforcements pulls out an ally that only costs 1, that's still good since it means your deck is now thinner (making it more likely for you to draw A Light from Within or Strength of Arms).

Nov 27, 2020 Dessloch 8

Thak you fro the suggestions, @KingsKnightTwitch. I agree, those are some very good events for this type of deck. I'd remove maybe a couple of cheap allies and include both Reinforcements and Raise the Shire.

Nov 27, 2020 Dessloch 8

Thank you for the suggestions, @KingsKnightTwitch. I agree, those are some very good events for this type of deck. I'd remove maybe a couple of cheap allies and include both Reinforcements and Raise the Shire.